Tsurumi International Lounge

つるみ こくさい こうりゅう ラウンジ



 Every 3rd Wednesday

 Dec. 29 - Jan. 3

●Lounge Profile
About Us
How to Use Seminar Rooms
●Support for Foreigners
Support for Learning Japanese
Study Support for Children
"Kangaroo Salon"
Lounge News
Useful Information
Cultural Events

Welcome to the Tsurumi International Lounge website !

Tsurumi Ward strives to accommodate the various needs of residents with different cultural backgrounds, so as to secure an optimal living environment for both Japanese and foreign residents. Tsurumi International Lounge aims to serve as the platform for such programs.

We provide various services to assist foreign residents, such as consultation and information services in foreign languages (English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese and Tagalog). We also provide a Japanese language learning assistance program as well as Japanese lessons for children.

We also provide opportunities for promoting mutual friendship among foreign and Japanese residents. All residents are most welcome here.

What's New ?