
There are places to learn for everyone,
from children to adults

Japanese Language Classes

Foreigners in the local community can learn Japanese.

Seminars for Japanese Language Volunteers

You can learn skills for teaching Japanese to foreign residents and supporting children connected to foreign countries. For more information about the Japanese language teaching seminars for Volunteers, please refer to the “What’s New?” page on the top page of this website.

“Kangaroo Salon” for Foreign Parents and Children

You can join Japanese language classes and receive life guidance with your baby (Babycare is available)

Learning Support Class

Children connected to foreign countries can receive support for their school studies

“Aozora” for elementary school students
1st & 3rd Saturday

“Nanairo” for junior high school students
Every Monday

※Summer Holiday Homework Classes for 5 days (August)
※Exam Preparation Class for 3rd Year Junior High School Students (From November to February)

Support for Children Connected to Foreign Countries to Learn Their Mother Tongue

To prevent forgetting their mother tongue, they learn the language of their own country